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(John 10:10).

My Own Testimony of Healing

Almost Deceived unto Death

From my journal dated 27 Jan 2017:

I had another sleepless night. I had severe pain in the area under my breast, right through to my shoulder blade for about three weeks. I was worried as I didn’t know what was causing the pain. The pain did not only keep me from sleeping, but endured throughout the day without ceasing. I asked God regarding it but He didn’t answer me. At times the pain became so severe that I felt like screaming. At first, I didn’t even tell Gerhard about it, I knew I must only speak life. And besides, it couldn’t be a disease. How could it be?  I was a child of God - Psalm 91 was on my life: “no pestilence will come near me…”

Again, I asked God what was causing the pain under my breast and on my upper right shoulder blade. That night I heard a voice saying: “Hepatitus B”. I googled the disease as I did not know what kind of sickness it was. It was a liver condition and the symptoms were the same as those I had experienced. I was confused. How was it possible for me to be sick? It was like a death sentence:  Statistics showed that 600 000 people die each year of the disease. I am in covenant with God. There were no open doors that I was aware of. I knew that this was an attack from Satan and that my faith was being tested. All I needed to do was to fight the good fight of faith.


During the day “God” asked me if I would do anything for His will to be done in our lives. I said, “Yes God, but please, no pain of death”. I thought that it was “God” who was speaking and that He was referring to the sickness.


That night I had a dream where my daughter Natasha was a seven-year old. I was waiting for her and Chantal (my eldest daughter) to come home from sports practice at school. Not knowing that they were home already, I went to the bathroom to get some clean water and was shocked when I saw Natasha in the bath tub, laying on her back underneath clear water. She was dead. In shock, I pulled her out of the water. I wanted to scream hysterically for help, but knew at that moment that the world would not be able to help me.  I sat down on the toilet lid with her body in my lap. She must have been dead a while because her body was not flexible anymore. I began praying in tongues and after a while she opened her eyes. In shock, I asked her how it was possible for her to drown. She then said that they were swearing at her.  I replied by shouting “demons!”.  Then she told me how she had heard me calling and that she knew that she must live.  She had then grabbed the demon’s ring and said to him: “You tormenting demon!!”

Natasha represented myself in this dream - still young in the journey to our promised land (our specific calling).                                                                                                             

Clean bath water = I live a sanctified life.  

Closed toilet lid = toilet speaks of cleansing, it represents a lifestyle of repentance.                                                         

Taking the demon’s ring from him = taking back the authority he legally received (from me…read on…)



On 31 Dec 2016 (see journey), Barend dreamt that Raaitjie had taken a blood sample from me for the purpose of testing it. In the dream, I had pain under my breasts. Then Barend heard “Do not worry about your life, as to what you will eat or drink; nor about your body, as to what you will wear….” (Matthew 6:25). In the dream, I said “maybe I have this …or that….” We were at a restaurant of some kind.  A woman at the table behind us joined us in worship.

I also had a dream in Nov 2016 where Gerhard asked me what was I doing. I said I was grating cheese. Gerhard then said that he was worried about me. When I asked why, he said that the doctor said that he is not sure if my blood test was clean/clear. In the dream I was shocked, but calm, as I told Gerhard to ask Brian as he had different results. (Brian represented Satan).

[Satan tried before to fool me into a sickness. It was in the form of a heart disease in 2015/2016. But I stood my ground and never went to a doctor. I knew they were false symptoms. The pain became more and more severe, but I stood in my faith and declared God’s Word over my heart. The attacks went on for months and eventually, Satan had no choice but to flee.]

So, Satan knew that I know my covenant rights as a child of God. He tried before and he failed. He knew that the only way for him to give me a disease, was if he could deceive me into believing that it was GOD’s will.

Satan made me believe that it was God who had spoken when I heard I had a sickness called Hepatitus B. I should have known better.  God would never have answer me about a sickness that I was worried about.  I was healed on the cross…  Therefore the voice I heard saying “Hepatitius B” was not God’s voice, but Satan’s. He deceived me!


When I had heard “God” asking, “Are you willing to do anything to stay in my perfect will?”, it wasn’t God’s voice. I merely thought it was God, and at the time, that He was referring to the sickness in my body. Why did I believe it was God’s voice?  Because of the dreams:   In Barend’s dream my blood was tested and I had pain in the same areas as in his dream. Also Hepatitus B can only be discovered through a blood test.  


Now, in my dream, I was grating cheese and Gerhard was worried about my blood test. If you dream of grating cheese it means that you will go through a difficult time in order to receive wisdom through those circumstances.Through all of this, I was deceived by believing that I needed to get sick to receive wisdom on divine healing! I agreed in the spirit that I am willing to get sick! (The moment I have spoken those words, I unknowingly gave Satan the authority to give me a disease because I agreed to it!).Still blinded I told God that I was willing to die also, and in the night a spirit of death came and tried to kill me. I awoke because of an evil presence in my room and felt my legs become ice cold. The cold grip moved from my feet upwards. I felt death and I rebuked him. I hadn’t realized that, the moment I said that I was willing to die, that Satan had the right to kill me also!!!!! Did the dreams represent the truth? Yes, they were a warning that Satan would give me SYMPTOMS of the disease, not the disease itself (it could only be a disease if I believed the symptoms). I kept on praying, asking God what was going on…


That night, in a vision, I saw 3 items that I used in my scrapbook regarding our journey. I saw a blue bird (represents a prophetic word) and a piece of beautiful blue paper (blue represents revelation) - I recognised these immediately. I also saw two paper frames, which I normally use to frame important statements or Scriptures.  I then saw the number 1,948 in a vision. The next morning I scrolled through the scrapbooking journal to look for the items. As I browsed through it, I found what God wanted me to see: On 29 Aug 2016, I had a dream where I saw the fragile image of a very sick woman. I could only see her hip and leg, she was only skin and bone. Then in the same dream, I saw a hand that was stretched out to me, on the tips of the finger was a black spider. Someone was offering me a spider! I suddenly realized that the sick woman was me!  The hand was Satan’s hand, the spider was the disease! He was offering the disease to me to take “willingly”?                                                                     


Through a prophetic word (blue bird), God gave me revelation (blue paper).  The numbers 1,948 is symbolic of “The birth of Faith”, it refers to a person with the Gift of Faith.


During worship I asked God to tell me if I was being deceived into believing that I had to get sick to get wisdom. Immediately in a vision I saw how I was being blind-folded, and in my mouth was a whistle. I was blinded! I was deceived! And I declared that I was sick (whistle in my mouth). I repented, and took the authority that I gave to Satan to kill me, back from him (I, [Natasha] took his ring {authority}, back from him when I drowned.) I could have died before I entered God’s promises for ourselves and our ministry (young Natasha), while I lived a sanctified life (clean bathwater), and a repented life (I was sitting on the lid of a toilet = toilet represents the place of repentance).  Everyone would ask: What happened? How was it possible for her to die? She was a child of God…


I suppose the cause of death on the death certificate had to be "Deceived unto death".

Through this experience, I received the Gift of Faith and I received more wisdom yes. Satan is a deceiver and a liar!!! And the next words I will put in one of those paper frames that God showed me in the vision:

“The Truth had set me free indeed”

While Chantal prayed for me, God said that Satan knew that he could not stop me through discouragement, trials or any other way. He wanted to kill me by deceiving me. Satan knew that if he can kill me, the ministry will die also.Then in the Holy of Holies (worship) she received a vision of a crocodile. A crocodile represented Satan himself.

Yes, Satan tried to kill me, but he failed. I am free, I never was sick. Then I told the prophetic team that Satan was under my heal, (remember these words, see what happened next!)


28 Jan (Saturday)

For the first time in weeks I slept well, no pain. In a vision I saw how a virus was gasping for air like a fish on dry ground. It was busy dying! I then Googled an image of a Hepatitus B virus and saw it looked like the virus in my vision (except in my vision it had two eyes, crying for help - God has a sense of humour you know..). Now remember what I said the previous day: “Satan was under my heal, .This is the power of the tongue!


“For He will save you from the trap of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and a wall.” (Ps. 91:3-4)


And this is the Truth: No sickness and diseases can enter a Christian who live a sanctified and obedient life, unless they are being deceived into believing the symptoms. If you believe the symptoms and the doctor’s negative report, then you will have what you believe, you will be sick.The truth is that we WERE HEALED more than 2000 years ago, when Jesus died on the cross. He did not only die for our sins but also for our sicknesses and diseases.



(John 10:10)


“Jesus bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness, BY WHOSE STRIPES YOU WERE HEALED ”            (1 Peter 2:24).


For me personally it was a powerful experience. I received more wisdom and knowledge as I renewed my mind with God’s Word. God’s Word is the Truth and will always be true.


Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My Name…” (Matthew 24:4).



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